We offer you full assistance in choosing the right yacht and taking care of all the paraphernalia.

Drawing up of a legally binding buyer's contract

Purely owed to the buyer’s heavy financial involvement the acquisition of a yacht requires competent and legally sound advice and execution. Thanks to cat sale’s years of experience we are the perfect partner for contractual matters, money transfers, registration, and tax issues.

Technical servicing and assistance

We can help you with any questions about the boat technology. The fittings of modern sea-going yachts especially in terms of latest technology is becoming increasingly complex and maintenance-intensive. Still that is no reason to worry as we will assist with technical problems by our feature ServicePointNorthSea for the north sea area. On a global scale we are linked to specialized partners we are going to recommend for your dedicated challenge.


At our multihull pontoon in the Lloyd Marina in Bremerhaven we always keep a safe berth in a prime location ready for your yacht. In almost all other areas of the world we will be more than glad to recommend respective contacts.


Our partner Yacht-Finanz creates a financing concept for you:


To obtain a fair price at market level and detect hidden defects before buying your dream cat sale always advises to have the object of desire surveyed by an authorised expert. From our experience we can name experts anywhere in the world.


For the transfer of your yacht we can certainly make contact with skippers and crews from our global network.


Due to our vast experience we are able to arrange the insurance offer suiting your needs for any and all sea areas throughout the world.